Know your Operations

Our Workshops

Operation Automation

Want to know how to automate a process in your business?

This workshop will break apart the entire process from beginning to end, identifying all of the key touch points, interfaces, and interactions between your team, management, and external systems.

As a direct result of the workshop, you will have:

  • Rough wireframes for all required views of the software
  • Layout of all features in the software
  • Fixed-price, bug-free guarantee quote from us
  • Credit for the price of the workshop applied to building the application with us

Build with us, build with someone else, or realize that the software isn't what you need at this moment, any way you will be far more equipped to make important investment decisions before committing tens of thousands of dollars into the hole.

Operations Audit

Want to understand the value streams and bottlenecks in your operations?

This workshop will break apart your business operations from beginning to end, identifying the components, critical events, people, systems, value transfers, and bottlenecks.

As a direct result of the workshop, you will have:

  • A solid map of your business
  • Layout of bottlenecks
  • Insights into where value is lost or not fully captured
  • Alignment within your team about internal strategy

From here, the answer might be something you can find off the shelf, making simple changes to SOPs, or might turn into a custom solution. Any way it goes, you will have a detailed understanding of what is actually happening under the hood in your business.

Strategic Operations Mapping

Your day-to-day operations are how strategies are actually executed.

This workshop will analyze the different components within your business in terms of relative evolution and visibility to your end customers. We will compare the actual components used to components available in the larger market to perform detailed strategy analysis in context of the landscape.

As a direct result of the workshop, you will have:

  • Understanding of the actual value of components within your system
  • Ability to evaluate the effectivenss of different technological investments in operations
  • Alignment between operations and strategy.

This forces some hard conversations. It might not be prudent to be custom-building a computer when you can purchase compute on-demand from cloud-providers. That internal software you've used for years might need to be retired, because it cannot keep up with off-the-shelf products. Maybe, it's time to make a literal business change because the technological landscape has changed drastically.

Ultimately, though, these are the conversations that will make or break your business. This workshop just makes the conversations happen sooner rather than later.