Time Compounded
What’s the value of automating a process? Let’s explore a true story:
Attorneys go to a variety of hearings. These hearings can be presented as evidence in future hearings and contain orders from judges that the attorney needs to comply with.
Traditionally, after a hearing is completed, the attorney requests the audio of the hearing. The audio is sent up to 10 days after the request. This gives the attorney as little as 3-4 days to go back through the recording and extract out any information they need to move forward.
So, most attorneys use the power of delegation. They have paralegals or clerks spend 2-8 hours listening to the recording, and create a transcript. The best paralegals will include some relevant timestamps to make it easier to find information and present the audio as evidence in the future.
Armed with the transcript, the attorney can quickly scan the information, get reoriented with the case, determine the next action steps, and move forward with 24-48 hours remaining.
What a stressful process haha!
I built software which allows the paralegals to upload the recording, and in seconds, receive a timestamped transcription with 85% accuracy. The software breaks out each sentence, and allows the paralegal to click on the sentence and hear the associated audio to make any necessary corrections. The entire transcript is filed by date, matter, and client automatically, and includes a 2 sentence summary.
What once took hours can now be completed in minutes.
A simplistic view would look at the value of the service as being equal solely to the money saved not paying the paralegals to transcribe the audio.
But… consider this:
- The attorney now has access to the information significantly sooner.
- Paralegals are now free to work on areas where their expertise can shine.
- Transcripts have detailed timestamps to make presenting evidence significantly easier.
- Filing and organizing happens automatically, without extra effort on the part of paralegals, removing one more stress.
- Summaries make it easier for the attorney to locate exactly what they need.
- It now makes sense and is affordable in terms of both cost and time to transcribe other audio recordings for evidence purposes.
So… what’s the true value here?
It’s not just plain time or dollars saved. It’s literally enabling your team to do what they do best.
Ready to unblock your team? Let’s have a chat.

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